LANGUAGE! Training/Teacher Resource Kit (Fourth Edition), Book E
SKU: 978-1-60218-753-5
Provides teacher materials needed for implementation training and to get started in the classroom. The Training/Teacher Resource Kit includes all teacher materials** for Book A, C, or E; one set of student materials*** for Book A, C, or E; plus curriculumwide materials.*
The LANGUAGE! Training/Teacher Resource Kits include:
- ** Teacher Edition, Volumes 1 and 2 (Book A, C, or E)
- ** Assessment: Teacher Edition (Book A, C, or E)
- * Transparencies and Templates
- * Letter Cards
- * Morphemes for Meaning Cards
- * Teacher Resource Guide
- * Plastic Overhead Tiles
- * Pocket Chart
- * Large-Format Picture Cards
- * Placement: Teacher Edition
- *** Placement: Student Editions, Grades 3-5 and 6-12
- * Bridge (Book C or E)
- *** Student Text (Book A, C, or E)
- *** Interactive Text (Book A, C, or E)
- *** Assessment: Content Mastery (Book A, C, or E)
- *** Summative Assessments (Book A, C, or E)