Moonshiner to Craft Distillery
SKU: 978-0314294-98-2
Legal changes in distilleries regulation may be slow to occur, but up-and-coming distillery owners still face myriad obstacles when it comes to compliance. Company owners are seeking to meet the demand for variety in distilleries, but they will have to navigate the challenges of starting a business in spirits distillation first. In order to do that, they will need to develop a team of attorneys, real estate agents, and the like to address any issues that arise. So how can you help your clients not only open a distillery in the first place, but also maintain a reliable brand and avoid potential investigations? Moonshiner to Craft Distillery has the answers. By providing you with best practices for understanding federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau laws on distilleries and mitigating industry risks, this book offers you tips for applying for state and federal licenses that you won't find anywhere else. Featuring experienced partners from across the country, this book provides you with insights into selecting distillery locations and complying with zoning laws. Inside, you will find advice on maintaining accounts of sales, establishing clients with distribution contracts, and key strategies for overcoming compliance concerns, such as developing employee training programs and educating employers on wage and hour rules. Additionally, these experts explain the impact of the economy on the liquor industry, including the taxation your clients will undergo and why. With this book, you will be up to date regarding ongoing developments in the field and will ultimately be better able to help your clients.