Norton Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law, 2020 ed.
SKU: 978-1539266-76-1
The Norton Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law includes cutting-edge commentary on substantive and procedural issues in bankruptcy law practice and the constitutionality of the Bankruptcy Court, along with developments in the changing and often complex body of bankruptcy case law and in international law. Every year, dedicated authors submit articles on bankruptcy law topics of current interest, particularly those that have not been fully addressed in previously published secondary legal literature. Each annual edition also includes articles discussing recent developments under Code sections 305, 327-330, 361, 362, 363-364, 365, 501-502, 503, 507, 510, 523, 524, 525, 541, 542-543, 547, 553; and articles discussing recent developments related to the following topics: Chapter 7, Chapter 11, Chapter 15, jurisdiction, intellectual property, and bankruptcy crimes as well as highlights of proceedings of the American College of Bankruptcy.